I give thanks daily, not for more riches, but for wisdom with which to recognize, embrace and properly use the great abundance of riches I now have at my command.
Napoleon Hill
God is surely embracing this teddy bear ministry! I have a new story for you! If you remember my story about the great purchase of 29 bears last Saturday where the store manager sold them to me at half price, plus the 13 bears Allen and I purchased at a local Goodwill store, I'll pick up from that story to share this one.
Ok. Saturday evening, John's friend Matt, and his fiance, Hope came over for a visit. I had taken all of the 42 bears into Ashley's bedroom at some point and Hope came into the room. The teddies were scattered on the floor. Hope is a high school senior this year. She began telling me that she volunteers at school in the special education class of six students (teenagers in high school). She shared with me that, as we all know, kids can be mean. Sadly, some of the kids, at times, are picked on by other thoughtless students. As we talked, Hope began to think of the bears in terms of comforting these six kids. She smiled as she said "Ms. Nan, I think those kids would appreciate having one of your bears. I really think it would mean a lot to them. I know the teacher would be fine with it." I asked her if we need permission from the teacher. She said the teacher would welcome this opportunity to do something nice for the kids.
I invited Hope to look through the bears on the floor and pick out six that would go along with the personality of the kids. She carefully chose four bears according to their individuality. She was having trouble connecting with the last two, so I told her "I have lots more bears in the attic. Let's go up and take a look." As we came into the holding room of bears, her eyes widened as she looked around at the masses! I told you I have lots of bears in the attic! She happily explored her options for the last two kids and found the two bears she wanted for them.
When we came back to Ashley's room carrying the teddies in our arms, I told her it would be great if she would take a copy of the poem Nan's good will bears and read it to the class when she takes the bears to the kids. She read the poem out loud and happily took the bears and the poem home with her.
I am thrilled to say today that Hope took the bears to school on Monday and she told me that the kids LOVE their bears and the teacher cried as Hope read the poem to the class. A copy was made of the poem for each one to take home to share with their parents.
Matt and Hope came over again tonight (Tuesday night) and Hope beamed as she told me more about how the kids and the teacher responded to the teddies. One boy saw her outside the classroom and grinned as he said "Hope's my best friend. She gave me a teddy bear." I just love it!! I trusted Hope's intuition and we acted on it.
I get chills (glory bumps) as I remember the joy Hope felt when she saw the smiles on the faces of the kids and the teacher. Friends, this is what life is all about....the joy of giving! I give to the glory of the Lord and for service to mankind.
Well, it's 4:30 am and I will get up and check on the clothes in the dryer.
Be sure to scroll down this page and take a look at the newest photo I loaded earlier. It shows two of my latest projects. I envisioned a tote bag with a teddy on it and Nan's good will bears embroidered on it. Here it is!! I also am showing the January photo of the newest 2012 calendar.
Whew! Getting long winded! Thoughts keep flowing along with the creative juices!! Gotta get up and and be creative when the Lord calls!!
Take care. Be safe, keep smiling! Love, Nan
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