Friday, January 20, 2012

Mental Chemistry

Through some strange and powerful principle of "mental chemistry" which she has never divulged, Nature wraps up in the impulse of strong desire "that something" which recognizes no such word as impossible, and accepts no such reality as failure.
Napoleon Hill

"That something" presented itself this morning.  I had some business to take care out of town today, and by "out of town" I mean outside my comfort zone of travel.  For many years, I have had a fear of driving to a destination I have never been to before and getting lost before I could get there or lost before I could get back home.  The fear isn't as intense as it used to be, thank goodness, but it hasn't left me completely.  Today, I had an opportunity to face that fear head on and overcome it.
Equipped with my GPS, and thanks to my computer giving me a beautiful view of the roads between here and there, I set out for my destination.  It was an hour long trip.  Allen and my friend gave me verbal directions, also.  I prepared myself mentally by creating a picture in my mind of having arrived at my destination.  I knew what the building looked like and I imagined walking into it and speaking to the person at the desk.  I further prepared for the trip by leaving home earlier than was necessary for prompt arrival.  I wanted to take my time and not feel rushed.
You may wonder what this story has to do with teddy bears, right.  Well, before I left home, I looked on the computer to find out if there was a Good will store in the vicinity.  You guessed it!  Not only did I reach my destination without any problems, I went even further to abolish my fear.  Not only was I driving in unfamiliar territory to get to my appointment, I found the Good will store and purchased 16 teddy bears!
By facing my fear head on, I accomplished a great deal.  I feel a sense of a thankfulness and joy.  Our reality is never as bad as our imagination can make it out to be.  You see, my fear wasn't real.  It was imagined.  I am so excited that I didn't give in to fear and let it control me.  I trusted in God, in the accurateness of my GPS and I trusted myself.  Because of all this combined, I know that in time, 16 people will be comforted with a teddy bear I purchased this day.  They will never know "the rest of the story" as you know now.  They will only know the joy they will feel when they are in the ER and are presented with a beautiful, cuddly teddy bear that is theirs to take home.
Because I was more in tune with the presence of God rather than the presence of fear my day was absolutely successful.  I pray for success and joy in your life.
Take care and know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Love, Nan

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Another "feel good" teddy bear story!

I give thanks daily, not for more riches, but for wisdom with which to recognize, embrace and properly use the great abundance of riches I now have at my command.
Napoleon Hill

God is surely embracing this teddy bear ministry!  I have a new story for you!  If you remember my story about the great purchase of 29 bears last Saturday where the store manager sold them to me at half price, plus the 13 bears Allen and I purchased at a local Goodwill store,  I'll pick up from that story to share this one.
Ok. Saturday evening, John's friend Matt, and his fiance, Hope came over for a visit.  I had taken all of the 42 bears into Ashley's bedroom at some point and Hope came into the room.  The teddies were scattered on the floor.  Hope is a high school senior this year.  She began telling me that she volunteers at school in the special education class of six students (teenagers in high school).  She shared with me that, as we all know, kids can be mean.  Sadly, some of the kids, at times, are picked on by other thoughtless students.  As we talked, Hope began to think of the bears in terms of comforting these six kids.  She smiled as she said "Ms. Nan, I think those kids would appreciate having one of your bears.   I really think it would mean a lot to them. I know the teacher would be fine with it."  I asked her if we need permission from the teacher.  She said the teacher would welcome this opportunity to do something nice for the kids.
I invited Hope to look through the bears on the floor and pick out six that would go along with the personality of the kids.  She carefully chose four bears according to their individuality.  She was having trouble connecting with the last two, so I told her "I have lots more bears in the attic.  Let's go up and take a look."  As we came into the holding room of bears, her eyes widened as she looked around at the masses!  I told you I have lots of bears in the attic!  She happily explored her options for the last two kids and found the two bears she wanted for them.
When we came back to Ashley's room carrying the teddies in our arms, I told her it would be great if she would take a copy of the poem Nan's good will bears and read it to the class when she takes the bears to the kids.  She read the poem out loud and happily took the bears and the poem home with her.
I am thrilled to say today that Hope took the bears to school on Monday and she told me that the kids LOVE their bears and the teacher cried as Hope read the poem to the class.  A copy was made of the poem for each one to take home to share with their parents.
Matt and Hope came over again tonight (Tuesday night) and Hope beamed as she told me more about how the kids and the teacher responded to the teddies.  One boy saw her outside the classroom and grinned as he said "Hope's my best friend.  She gave me a teddy bear."  I just love it!!  I trusted Hope's intuition and we acted on it.
I get chills (glory bumps) as I remember the joy Hope felt when she saw the smiles on the faces of the kids and the teacher.  Friends, this is what life is all about....the joy of giving!  I give to the glory of the Lord and for service to mankind.
Well, it's 4:30 am and I will get up and check on the clothes in the dryer.
Be sure to scroll down this page and take a look at the newest photo I loaded earlier.  It shows two of my latest projects.  I envisioned a tote bag with a teddy on it and Nan's good will bears embroidered on it.  Here it is!!  I also am showing the January photo of the newest 2012 calendar.
Whew! Getting long winded! Thoughts keep flowing along with the creative juices!! Gotta get up and and be creative when the Lord calls!!
Take care.  Be safe, keep smiling! Love, Nan

Sunday, January 8, 2012

With initiative, love, passion and conviction of purpose

Initiative means the doing of things without being told to do them.
Napoleon Hill

Why are we so full of restraint? Why do we not give in all directions? Is it fear of losing ourselves? Until we do lose ourselves there is no hope of finding ourselves.
Henry Miller

Passion rebuilds the world for the youth. It makes all things alive and significant.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Yesterday, Allen and I took the initiative to drive to a nearby town in our county on the search for more teddy bears.  We weren't disappointed.  I've heard that whatever it is that one looks for one finds.  We surely did find teddy bears and lots of them.  As I put bear after bear in the cart I noticed the prices were less in all of the other stores I had previously purchased bears.  My objective is to buy as many bears for as reasonable a price as possible so as to help bring comfort to as many children as possible.
There were more bears on the shelves than I have ever seen in any store so far.  My little shopping cart was soon to the point of holding a mound of teddy bears.  Allen and I both had the same thought.  We could make the most use of the money we had by putting the bears back on the shelves and going on about our business.
A very friendly and helpful employee named Brandi was kind and interested as I told her why my cart was filled with teddy bears.  I explained the ministry to her and as we talked, I sensed God nudging me to ask for the manager.  Brandi was happy to find the store manager for me.  As I explained to Dana about the Nan's good will bear ministry and why I wanted all of the bears, and past history of prices, she listened thoughtfully.  Rather than tell me the price was not negotiable, she offered to sell the bears to me for half price.  Oh, my goodness! I was thrilled!  There were still a lot of bears on the shelves, but I was happy to have the 29 teddy bears in my cart!!
Dana told me that she would inform the cashier of the arrangement when I was ready to check out.  I rolled the light, but piled high cart to Miranda's register.  She looked in amazement at the teddy bears and then she looked at me.  As she rang up the bears and bagged them, I told her the story.  She was delighted when I had her write her name on the receipt because I wanted to include her, Dana, and Brandi in my next blog message.  She said "I feel so special" and smiled as she wrote her name on the receipt.
I asked Dana if the generous offer of fifty percent off would be possible upon my next visit to the store.  She assured me that should she not be there that day two other gentlemen managers would be there.  I felt so glad I wasn't afraid to ask to speak to the manager.  There was a time in my life I was terribly introverted and unsure of myself.  I think because of the passion in my voice as we talked, there was no doubt in their minds of my honesty, integrity and conviction of purpose.
I'm convinced that those three ladies felt good about what they had done.  Dana took the initiative to offer the much appreciated discount.  She is a fine example of generosity in action.  She did more than think about helping, she turned her thought into a gesture of good will.  Because of her act of kindness and generosity I was able to stretch the dollars entrusted to me by those of the hospital emergency department who purchased four large teddy bears at their Christmas party.  It was with their funds I purchased the 29 teddy bears yesterday.
I've heard it said that it takes a village to raise a child.  Value Village did their part yesterday in the comfort department.  Dana's willingness to help will long be remembered.
Allen and I continued on our way with the trunk of our car stuffed with two very large bags of teddy bears.  Our next stop was a Good Will store on the way home where we purchased another 13 bears.
As Allen and I came to our pew in church this morning his dad motioned with his hand to a bag of bears on the floor at his feet.  He told me who brought them and I immediately went to the couple and thanked them.  As Allen's mom came through the door and took her place in the choir loft, she motioned for me to come to her.  She handed me two more teddy bears!
Friends, this brings our overall total to 634 teddy bears!! It all began with the purchase of one teddy bear three years ago.  God intends that this ministry of providing comfort to those who can't help themselves will thrive and continue!  Remember, every gesture of good will begins with a thought.  Take the initiative to turn that thought into a physical manifestation of God's love in whatever way He sees fit.
Yes, even a stuffed bear can multiply more than six hundred times over!  With God nothing is impossible!
Take care and stay tuned for a message about the hospital newsletter in which an article is printed about the teddy bears and the love of God.  Love, Nan

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Mustard Seed Faith

written December 29, 2011

I learned to really practice mustard seed faith, and positive thinking, and remarkable things happened.
Sir John Walton

"a mustard seed faith ministry"; that's how our pastor described Nan's good will bears recently when giving new comers in the congregation an update.  As I type this message today I am wearing a big, warm smile.  I cleaned 24 teddy bears this morning.  Allen and I took his parents shopping before lunch and on the way home, we stopped at a nearby Good will store.  Yes, you're right!  We came home with 24 teddy bears!  We did leave some on the shelves, too.  This mustard seed ministry began with 12 bears and as of today, has grown to more than 530 bears since July!  We've given over 200 through the Iredell Memorial Hospital Emergency Room since July 22nd.  I encourage you to visit to read my poem entitled Nan's good will bears to learn the history of how this ministry came to be.  The parent of the sick child receives a copy of the poem and the child is given the teddy to keep and take home.  If surgery is necessary, the teddy goes in with the child and is the first thing the child sees in the recovery room.
 Little did I know at the end of 2010 how the Lord would use me and a few cuddly teddy bears in 2011 to provide comfort to so many children and some adults, as well. 
Practice your own mustard seed faith, think positively and you will see how remarkably God will show Himself to you and countless others.  All we have to do is what is possible and let God do the impossible!  Would you have ever thought that God would put 530+ teddy bears in my hands in five short months?  And He won't stop at 530 bears!!  This is only the beginning!
I pray God's blessings on your new adventures for the Lord in 2012!
I have a few teddies in need of minor repairs and then off to the attic they will go until cleaning time!  I have to sit down long enough to write a poem that is dancing through my mind entitled Bears in My Attic!!
Take care.  Love ya! Nan

Bearabbit serves his purpose

written December 16, 2011

Just a quickie tonight as it is getting late and I need to get to bed.  I have written my thank you card I'm sending to the gentleman I met in Raffles as he was getting a haircut.  He's the one who donated $50.00 to go towards buying more teddy bears for the sick kids who come through the hospital ER.  I am also sending bearabbit to comfort him this Christmas as he mourns the loss of his mother to cancer recently.  I have to prepare the box for mailing and then I'm off to bed.  I love giving surprises!!  I hope he will enjoy bearabbit.  I don't think it's a silly idea to give this gentleman a stuffed animal because I believe in my heart that it is what God wants me to do.
It will go out in the mail tomorrow after I leave my office. 
I talked with a lady on the phone today in my office who said "I hate Christmas".  She has four children and she wears an invisible mask on her face.  She thinks no one sees beyond this mask, but I believe her children do.  Please pray for this lady and her children.  God knows who she is and when you pray, He will know the lady you lift up in prayer.
Please continue to pray for my brother Woody who is in the hospital (and wife, Judy) and also for our friend Diane who struggles in the hospital with a weak heart.  One more, please.  We heard from Allen's Aunt Nell.  She has been very ill since Nov. 12th.  She had to have emergency surgery and reports doing much better, but she still needs prayers.
It's 12:55 am and I have to get up from here.  Take care and be safe out there.  Get lots of rest and enjoy the true spirit of Christmas.  We are, after all, celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ!  Thank God!
Love, Your sister in Christ, Nan

The saga of the good will bears continues!

written December 13, 2011
As I sit here contemplating the words I will use, I have chills on my body.  The temperature in the room is comfortable, but my body/my spirit is experiencing something that goes beyond words.  The chills aren't goose bumps to me.  They are my glory bumps; glory bumps because the way my spirit is responding to the events of recent days is absolutely a God thing and my spirit is fully aflame!  Please "bear" with me!!
Where to begin???? Ok, long story short......I found myself with four teddy bears that were beautiful and undoubtedly too large to use for the kids who will come through the Emergency Room.  To honor the intentions of those who wanted me to have these bears, I came up with an idea and presented it to Greta, the Director of the Emergency Department.  She thought it was a great idea and we proceeded.
The idea was for me to clean these four bears and take them to the hospital.  Greta would take them to the off-site Christmas party for the employees of the Emergency Department.  They would be auctioned off as Christmas gifts for four lucky children/adults.  The proceeds would then be used to purchase more teddy bears.  Greta called me yesterday evening and I was overwhelmed with her news!  That, my friends is an understatement!  Greta told me the bears brought in a total of $120.00!!!! She said one of the ER nurses took the mike and before she began auctioning the bears, shared with the group the story of Nan's good will bears and of her experiences as she gave teddies to those who needed this wonderful expression of God's love.  She got the crowd involved and the fun began!  Do you have any idea how many teddy bears I can purchase with $120.00!!!??  Well, let me tell you that when my bank, RBC Centura brought in $100.00 in September at a fund raiser bake sale, I spent all the money and purchased 138 teddy bears.  Now I will be able to purchase even more bears!!
God says, "wait, it gets better! When you think it can't get better, just watch and it will!" Another long story short..... well, maybe not so short....but you need to hear the details of this one.  I paid a visit to my hair dresser this evening after leaving work 15 minutes earlier than usual. There was only one customer in the shop and he was in Denise's chair.  She knows all about the teddy project and I filled her in on the news about the destiny of the four big  bears and the generosity of the Emergency Department staff.  The gentleman in her chair was interested in our conversation and Denise told me to share the whole story of Nan's good will bears with him.  He was a very involved listener as Denise snipped away at the hair that curled around his ears.
I told them, also about a very special "bear", which I actually had in my car at the time.  This teddy bear  began as a brown bunny rabbit given to me by a very sweet lady last week.  She couldn't find a teddy bear so she purchased this beautiful rabbit.  Well, you know I use only bears, not bunnies.  I wanted to honor her intentions to give this bunny for the sick children so I decided to transform the bunny into a teddy bear!  It is an awesome teddy now.  Mind you, it was a beautiful bunny.  I opened the stitches in the back and removed the fluffy white bunny tail and sewed up the back.  Then I opened the stitches on the head and removed the bunny ears and cut them into the shape of teddy bear ears and then sewed the new ears in place.  The beautiful pink nose was removed and I sewed a dark brown nose in its place.  It still has the oversized bunny feet, which makes it absolutely adorable!!  They were so impressed that I told them I'll run out to the car and bring it in to show them.  They loved it!!
I understood from Denise that the gentleman is a shy person, but he sure didn't seem like it as we talked. As he paid for his haircut, he told us two family members had passed away very recently, one being his mother.  He lived with her all his life, and now she is gone.  This will be his first Christmas without her.  He took care of her in the last months of her life as she dealt with cancer.  Denise hadn't seen him in months until this evening when he came in for a hair cut.  He said he hadn't been out in months because he was taking care of his mother in the final stages of the cancer.
As he walked toward the door of the shop, he turned to me and asked if I would take a donation to buy bears.  I told him yes.  He then pulled out his wallet and gave me $50.00 cash.  He smiled at me and as we shook hands I thanked him profusely, all the while holding that precious bearabbit.  I was taken aback at the whole scene that took place in the beauty shop tonight!  Surely, God was present with us and smiling!
I stood in stunned amazement as he walked out into the dark night.  I walked up to the counter and saw his name on the customer sign in sheet.  An idea flashed across my mind!  As Denise had no other customers, I asked her for a phone book.  We looked up his name.  It wasn't listed in the phone book as we read it on the sheet, but one entry caught our attention.... a man's name and a lady's name beside it.  We wondered if the lady might be his mom.  I took out my blackberry and googled her name, our town and the word "obituary".  It brought it up and I searched the obit. for a clue.  Sure enough, there he was, listed as her son!  I wrote down his name and address.  I will be sending him a very special thank you card in the mail and along with the card will be the bearabbit!  His generosity astounded me and his sadness at being alone without his mom this Christmas touched my heart deeply.  He doesn't know it yet, but he surely will be getting an unexpected package in the mail this Christmas.  When he is lonely, he can see and touch this bear and know "the rest of the story" as to how this bunny became a bear and I hope he will be comforted.
I hope you did "bear" with me until the end of this story.  I will clean the bear and on Friday, I will put the package in the mail containing the thank you card and the special bearabbit.  I love giving surprises to people even if I'm not there to witness the receipt of the gift.  Rest assured, God will be there as the box is opened and the bearabbit is revealed to the generous man who selflessly gave money to a woman he only met moments before.
Remember this, God puts us where He needs us, when He needs us there and for as long as He needs us there.  Amen!
It's getting late and the dishes in the kitchen are in need of attention.  Take care.  Remember, also that God prepares for your blessings long before you receive them.  Give a blessing.  Be a blessing.  Accept a blessing!  Love you! Nan
Please keep my brother Woody in your prayers and his wife, Judy.  As I type this message, he is in Duke University Hospital being admitted for excessive fluid build up in his body.  The meds aren't working and the doctor wanted him in the hospital tonight rather than wait another day.
I also have a friend, Diane who is in Baptist Hospital.  She is a very sick lady and needs your prayers.  She is 55 and had a heart attack in her 20's.  Due to complications during a four hour surgery, they had to stop due to a drop in blood pressure.  She was put on a ventilator.  She continues to struggle.  Allen and I visited her last week in the hospital and I took her one of Nan's good will bears and she was so appreciative.  I have been told that as folks have gone in to visit her, she has continued to hold onto her teddy bear, stroking it all the while.

The Four Agreements

written December 09, 2011
I always want to give you something meaningful each time I write to you.  You are important and you deserve the best I can give you.  I write because it is how God directs me.  More than anything, God deserves my best every day. 
That being said, I want to share with you something priceless.  It's value can not be measured, in my estimation.  It is the wisdom of God given to us through the writings of Don Miguel Ruiz.  The book I'm about to share with you is not new.  It was written in 1997.  It is called The Four Agreements.  I recently learned of this book and by the grace of God, I found it in the Goodwill store a few weeks ago.  It took me a while to get around to reading it and now I am almost finished reading it.  I can print the agreements here, but I want you to get your hands on the book and read it cover to cover.  It ranks on my list with Rick Warren's book The Purpose Driven Life...... way up there!  If you're searching for a special gift for someone this Christmas, yourself included, I highly recommend The Four Agreements.  When you learn to apply the wisdom contained in this book, you will find your life has dramatically changed for the better. 
1) Be impeccable with your word
2) Don't take anything personally
3) Don't make assumptions
4) Always do your best
There is so much more I could say about this book and the wisdom contained therein, but I want to whet your appetite to get the book and discover this timeless wisdom for yourselves.  Don't hesitate. 
I have to get up from here right now and get ready for work!  Before posting this message, I received a call from my daughter and it was an awesome conversation.  Well, I could go on and on! 
I have to get ready and get out of here in 30 minutes, so I'll leave you with a smile and a twinkle in my eye!  Take care and have an absolutely incredible day!!!
Love ya! Nan


written December 06, 2011
Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.
James Baldwin

Well, for months I have known I need to clean out my inbox at yahoo.  Tonight, I faced my inbox! It held over 1300 emails!  It took a good while to do it, but I faced that inbox head on.  At times, my back began to ache, my eyes got blurry and seriously, I thought about getting up from the computer and "forget about it"!
I have accomplished what I set out to do.  Sure, it would still have needed to be done even if I had not touched the keys.  Yes, it took time and effort and it was a chore I didn't want to tackle.  There will always be more important priorities that anything we dread to do.
Cleaning out my inbox was not the only thing I did this evening.  Among other things, I brought order back into Ashley's room.  It became a staging area for teddy bears.  It isn't in perfect shape right now, but it is much better than it was earlier this evening.
The bottom line is to remember the quote I am sharing with you today.  It's really all about our habits.  We easily get into the habit of saying "I'll do it later".....  I'll face it later..... It really is such a relief when we have faced the giant and knocked him down to size.
Whatever it is that you have to face, like it or not, face it and you will see it never was as big and bad as you imagined it to be.  Remember, our reality will never be as bad as our imagination would have it appear.  Whatever we created in our mind isn't real.  It is imagined.  Give up the inclination to speculate, assume, over dramatize, to procrastinate.  That being said, when I was given the vision of Nan's good will bears, I believe God created the vision.  I am continually amazed at the astounding number of teddy bears I have either in my home now or have had since this vision became a reality.  My hands have touched more than 430 bears to date.  More than 165 teddies have been given to children and seniors with dementia or alzheimers in the Iredell Emergency room since July 22nd.  My attic is overflowing with teddies!  This is by the grace of God.
I wanted to make a change in my community for the better.  God granted me the vision through the teddy bears.  I faced the need head on and God provided the bears and the story continues.
It's 1:12 am and I really need to get up from here and get some sleep.  When the creative juices begin to flow, as with everything, we have a choice to act or not to act.  As I type this message, I pray you are sleeping peacefully.  For those of you working a late shift, I pray you are having a good evening at work.  Always remember you are in my prayers and that I love you.
Until next time.  Love always, Nan

......and the teddies go marching along!

written November 22, 2011

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
II Timothy 1:7

Today is November 22nd!  It is a day to celebrate!  God has provided teddy bears in abundance for my Nan's good will bears project!   On July 22nd, I took the first two dozen teddies to the emergency room at Iredell Memorial Hospital to be given to sick or injured children who come through the ER in need of that special comfort that comes from holding a cuddly teddy bear.  More than 150 children have received this special comfort since July 22nd.  My brother in law asked me several months ago "how long are you going to do this?"  I told him confidently "as long as God provides teddy bears" (with a big smile on my face).
Parents receive a copy of the poem I wrote explaining the details of how this project came to be.  You can visit to read it.  It's entitled appropriately Nan's good will bears. 
Please keep Jeff White and his staff of Sloan's Cleaners in your prayers.  Jeff and one of his employees had been cleaning the teddies for me, but Ashley continues to have health issues.  They are heavily into the holiday season in the dry cleaning business.  Jeff taught me how to care for the bears and I suggested to him that since the shop is so busy and he is often short staffed, I will pick up the responsibility for cleaning them.  He gave me some of the cleaning solution and I am cleaning them at home now.  They have to be cleaned prior to the children taking them.
God calls us to do the possible and to let Him do the impossible. 
Take care and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers today.
Love always, Nan

Time Management

written October 05, 2011

Hi! I didn't fall off the face of the earth since the last time I wrote to you!  There are always so many factors involved that make for a very interesting life and time management is so important.  Allen and I exercise together regularly and I take time to meditate most mornings.  I'm very involved in my Nan's good will bears project.  To make a long story short, I was at my dry cleaners shop on Saturday and cleaned 62 bears as part of a United Methodist Church community wide volunteer day.  Since this teddy project is a community service project and the kids can't receive a bear until it has been professionally cleaned, I decided to render my volunteer services by going through the proper channels and spent three hours cleaning the bears to help Jeff, my cleaner, as he has a full time business to operate.  The supply of bears in the ER had gone down to only two available a week ago.  So you see how important it was to get ahead of the curve. 
Our son, John is at the one month mark now.  He leaves for USAF Basic Training in San Antonio, TX on November 8th.  Allen and I spend as much time as possible with him making memories.  We are happy for him and support his decision. 
You are close in thought even when days go by before you hear from me.  Pray for each other, give freely of yourselves, smile often.  Take care and have a wonderful day.  Love, Nan

Awesome birthday week in review

written September 19, 2011

Wow! Last week was such a great week!  Highlights.... Ashley started my birthday week with a beautiful scarf she knitted for me.  Teddy bears continue to come in from all directions for my Nan's good will bears project with the IMH ER for the children.  Thursday afternoon, I took select teddies to my bank, RBC Centura for a bake sale fundraiser (their suggestion) for the bear project.  The bake sale was held on Friday.  The teddies made great visuals to get people talking about the project.  On Friday we had a special birthday lunch at Red Lobster (my office family and Ashley).  Then, Ashley spent the afternoon with me.  We went to the bank to check on the bake sale and took some wonderful cinnamon pecan coffee cake to sell.  Went by the dry cleaners to pick up a dozen bears and took them to the hospital.  The staff, in return, brought me a dozen bears they had collected for the project.  We went back to the bank at the end of the day and much to my surprise they had raised $100.00!!  Let me tell you, I can buy a lot of teddy bears with $100.00!!!!  My brother in law asked me a few weeks ago, "how long are you going to do this?"  I said, "as long as God continues to put teddy bears in my hands."  An OR nurse at church said on Sunday that the children who need surgery are allowed to take their teddy bear in with them for their surgery.  That's so awesome!
Allen and I spent the afternoon on Sat. cruising around looking at cars.  Yes, there is another car in my near future!  I've been driving my awesome Honda Accord '92 since we bought it new when John was a tiny baby.  He's 19 now and the car has 311,000 + miles on it!
Allen, John and I went out to dinner with Ashley and Kris Sat. night (great time!).  Pastor Mike gave what I thought was his best sermon ever on Sunday.  Then we had lunch with family and John surprised me with a beautiful birthday cake!!  Then, add to all that, my family and friends sent me birthday greetings throughout the day from facebook, text messages and phone calls!  I love you, one and all!!!!  God is good all the time and all the time God is good!!  Take care and have a wonderful day.  Don't waste one minute of the life God gave you!  Your life is precious and your time is valuable!  Love always, Nan

A Light In the Window

A smile is the light in the window of your face that shows your heart is at home.
Author Unknown

written August 02, 2011

I smiled so much throughout the day yesterday that my cheeks hurt!  It was an awesome day from the very beginning, that being 5:00 am, when Allen (my husband) and I went for our usual brisk walk, along with our black Lab, Bob, and continued to be a day filled with love and laughter, right into the evening! 
Not in order of events, but included in my awesome day were an unexpected visit from a wonderful lady friend of mine and her four beautiful daughters, a trip to the dry cleaners to pick up a dozen teddy bears to take to the hospital ER, delivering the teddies to the ER and a visit with the ER staff to hear great stories of how these teddies are touching the lives of children who are in need of cuddly, soft comfort during a very stressful time in their lives; a visit with my daughter, who knitted a gorgeous white baby sweater for a special friend of mine who is expecting her first child; going with two very special friends of mine to the announcement party for my pregnant friend (long story, short version.....surprise!! the inside of the cake was pink!  They're having a girl!); experiencing numerous "God moments" throughout the day that my skin kept having "glory bumps"!!!  That's right, glory bumps, not goose bumps!
The more love and smiles you give away, the more you get in return!  God is good all the time and all the time God is good!!!!
Gotta get up from here now and get going on my 2012 calendar of teddy bears.  I have taken several photos and still have more to take.  It's so exciting!  Gotta set up a teddy bear picnic photo!  Talk to you later! Love, Nan

P.S. My friend said, (who came for a visit with her daughters)..... "I'm so happy that if it were dark right now, I'd be glowing in the dark!"   Yes, my friends, she and I were glowing in the presence of the Lord yesterday.  I'm still in the afterglow!

God abundantly provides teddy bears!

written August 02, 2011

By the time I arrived at my office yesterday morning, I was at the point of tears.  These tears were ones of immense amazement and joy at what had just taken place a few minutes earlier.  Sometimes, I get a sense that I am supposed to go to the Goodwill store for a treasure.  Most of the time the treasure is inspirational books or teddy bears.   Yesterday, teddy bears dropped down from Heaven abundantly!  As I walked into the store, I noticed mounds of stuffed toys on the racks in the middle of the store.  Pushing the small shopping cart along the aisle I discovered a multitude of teddy bears!!  Nan's good will bear project continues!  These teddy bears were perfect and there were lots of them!  Almost instantly, it seemed, the shopping cart was filled to overflowing with these bundles of comfort and joy.  One will need a new nose and a couple more will need a bit of attention before I take them to the cleaners.
As I approached the cash register to pay for them I noticed a tall man, mid 30's, waiting behind me to pay for his own selections of merchandise.  Because it is very unusual for a lady to purchase a large number of teddy bears, naturally it was the topic of conversation.  I shared with the clerk and the gentleman about my teddy bear project with the hospital ER and the comfort these teddies will bring children in need.  The man reached into his wallet and handed me a twenty dollar bill and wanted to pay for these teddy bears.  He said he understands about being in the hospital and being scared.  He's going into the hospital for a hip replacement on Tuesday (today).  Some of the bears were more expensive than others, but when the clerk handed me the change back, which was four dollars and change, I handed it to the man.  He shook his head and put his hand out and said "ma'am you keep that change for the next time you find some more bears for the kids."  I pulled out an envelop from my purse and wrote on it "teddy bears" and asked him his name.  I also wrote "Bruce" on the envelope.  He saw me place the money in the envelope and that he can count on me using the money to purchase more teddy bears.  I told him that I will remember him and his generosity.  I told him I had written a poem about the bears and the condensed version of why I am committed to serving my community in this way.  His face wore the look of a man in physical pain and I asked him if it would be ok if I gave him a hug.  He looked surprised and said "yes ma'am."  As I reached up to hug him I whispered in his ear "Bruce, God will bless you in a very special way for your generosity."  His smile was priceless!
As I walked out of the store with three white trash bags filled with treasures, the man came along behind me.  I opened the trunk of my car and saw a folder with a copy of the poem lying there.  I placed the bags of teddies in the trunk and picked up the poem and called out "Bruce!"  He  said "yes ma'am."  I walked over to his beat up old truck and handed him the copy of the poem and told him I wanted him to have it.  His chin quivered as he took it.  "Thank you, ma'am" he said as he started the engine.  Bruce lives in Asheville, which is about an hour or two west of here and is in Statesville to visit someone before he goes into the hospital for the hip replacement.
Funny thing; Allen and I went by the Goodwill store on Sunday on our way to Lowe's and I mentioned that I'd like to go to the Goodwill store.  Since Allen wasn't interested in going, we didn't.  That was because God intended for the encounter with Bruce to happen on Monday!  Bruce felt good about giving up that $20.00 for a good cause.  I was overwhelmed and overjoyed at his generosity and God's generosity.
When I arrived at the office I counted the bears in the trunk of my car.  There were 22 teddy bears all together!  Amazing!  We serve an amazing God!
After work, I went to see Jeff at Sloan's cleaners to pick up a dozen clean bears and gave him another bag of bears I brought from home to be cleaned.  He was utterly amazed at the story about Bruce and the bears earlier in the morning and so happy to know how God is providing teddy bears.  Both, he and I, had glory bumps covering our arms as I shared the story.  He thought in the beginning I would occasionally bring in a couple of bears.  Neither one of us had any idea how abundantly God would bless this gesture of good will.
I know this story today is a bit long, but I must share it with you.  When I arrived at the hospital ER to deliver the twelve clean teddies, the lady at the desk, (perhaps a nurse) was thrilled to see me.  She told me about a lady and her child who had been in a car accident.  The mom had been airlifted to another hospital and the little three year old had no family at the hospital.  The lady gave one of the teddy bears to the child for comfort and it touched not only the child's heart, but the lady's heart, as well.  The other nurses inquired as to how they get their gently loved teddies to me.  I told them that since the hospital is where they work to bring them to the ER and I will take them to be cleaned and will bring them back to the hospital.
I hope you've enjoyed this account of how abundantly God blesses us and provides for us.  It is when we lose sight of self that we truly find our selves.  Much love to you, one and all!  Nan

Every gesture of good will begins with a thought

Imaging can help you be successful in the areas of goal setting, conviction building, and action taking.

A goal is only a wish or dream until it is written down and pursued.

You must develop the conviction that your goal is achievable.  Do this by building a mental picture of the goal being reached, and run it over and over in your mind.

Once the picture is formed, take the steps your mind tells you are necessary to achieve reality.

At each level on the road to success, an underlying faith in God will remove the worry that can block progress.

All of the quotes I've shared with you today come directly from the book by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale entitled How To to make POSITIVE IMAGING work for you.  I just purchased this book on Monday at the Goodwill store in town.  Somehow I must have had the God-given insight of which Dr. Peale wrote about in this book when I decided to donate my teddy bear collection to the Iredell Memorial Hospital Emergency Room.  In my mind I could see myself finding more bears specifically for this purpose.  I envisioned myself talking to Jeff at the dry cleaners shop.  I envisioned myself taking the teddy bears to the hospital.  All of this happened!
On Friday, July 22, 2011, I delivered the first 25 bears to the ER and met Greta Jordan for the first time in person.  It was an incredible experience!  My heart was filled with love and joy as I was introduced to the ER doctor, the nurses, and other staff members.  To witness the looks of wonder and support on their faces brought me such joy I can barely describe it.  As a child is given a teddy bear, the parent is given an envelope which holds a copy of the poem I wrote entitled Nan's good will bears.  It's not about me getting credit.  It's about acknowledging the Source of all comfort, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and providing comfort to someone when they need it and least expect to receive it.  While I was there, two children in the ER were given teddy bears.  They had been involved in a car accident. 
I envision receiving boxes of teddies coming to my office as people are encouraged to participate in this endeavor to bring a soft, cuddly touch of comfort to sick and injured children.  I have faith that by the grace of God more teddy bears will come and we will continue to share the love of God with more children and their families.  This excites me immensely!   Remember, every gesture of good will begins with a thought.  Take it from there and make your gesture of good will a reality.  Action required  :)
Have a wonderful day!  Love, Nan
P.S. Scroll down this page to see a photo of one of these special teddies.

Nan's good will bears in the beginning

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.  If you want to be happy, practice compassion.  ~Dalai Lama

written on July 22, 2011
Today is the day I will meet Greta Jordan and take her "Nan's good will bears"!  She is the director of the Emergency Room at Iredell Memorial Hospital.  Several years ago I began to collect teddy bears.  Of course, it didn't begin as a collection or with the idea of a collection in mind.  I occasionally came upon a beautiful teddy bear and decided I wanted it.  I never had a teddy bear as a child and I thought to myself that it's never too late and I'm not too old to buy myself a teddy bear.  
At some point last year I began to think of doing something special with my collection of bears.  "Nan's good will bears" came to be when I contacted my friend, Aurora, who is on the Board of Directors at the hospital and gave her my idea.  I wanted to donate my teddies to the Emergency Room to be given to sick or hurt children who were being admitted who were frightened and needed a special diversion from what was being done to them and for them as the professional staff cared for their needs.
I have the first 25 bears ready for delivery this afternoon.  They have each been professionally cleaned by my friend, Jeff White, who runs Sloan's Cleaners.  Jeff is a wonderful man who always has a smile on his face and is happy to lend a helping hand.  His involvement is critical, in that, parents and hospital staff know the bears have been professionally cleaned before they reach the hands of the children.  I am so grateful God brought Jeff and me together.
There are another dozen bears at the cleaners being cleaned as I type this message.  I have another 26 bears waiting to go to the cleaners.  I take Jeff a dozen at a time. 
I am continually amazed at how God has richly blessed this intention of good will.  He has provided in abundance!  I find the bears in excellent condition for very affordable prices.  My original collection had a total of 12 bears and just look how abundantly God has provided these beautiful bears for children who have no clue they will receive one!  Others have begun to bring their bears to me, as well.
Aurora got in touch with the director of the ER, Greta Jordan, and now you know the rest of the story.
Tomorrow I will share with you the poem I wrote called Nan's good will bears.

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.  If you want to be happy, practice compassion.  ~Dalai Lam

Take care and have a wonderful day!  I will!  Love you! Nan

Bears In My Attic!

Bears in My Attic
Written by Nan Forehand
Thursday, December 29, 2011

                                     Yes!                                           Yes!
There are bears in my attic!
I’m really quite ecstatic!
More than two hundred!
Yes, that’s what I said!
Some cuddly and some not so much
Sparkles in their eyes and soft to the touch
Red bears, blue bears, Winnie the Pooh bears
To see these bears you have to go upstairs
Some cotton candy white, others dark brown
Hundreds you’ll see, but not one with a frown
Been doin’ more than wishin’
I’m a woman on a God given mission
Boyds, Bearington, Dakin, Gund and Gerber
They will help a child rest; no need for Dr. Ferber
His sleep method we won’t need to use
Take away the fear and a child will snooze
Washed top to bottom and behind the ears
Known to bring comfort and dry little tears
People have donated bears or given me money
That’s what I call generosity, honey
I love to shop and I love teddy bears
A cartload of bears brings smiles and stares
Of Nan’s good will bears, I’ll share the story
To comfort a sick child and give God the glory!

Author’s note: Since the first delivery of Nan’s good will bears to the Iredell Memorial Hospital Emergency Room on July 22, 2011, more than 200 bears have been given to sick children and some adults as appropriate.  God has provided more than 560 teddy bears as of December 31, 2011.  Just when I think “Wow! Can it get any better than this?”, God says,  “Wait, there’s more!  It gets better than this!”
I’m excited! How about you?

Nan's good will bears

Nan’s good will bears

By: Nan Forehand
Written on July 18, 2011

It’s easy to do something good and kind
when you’ve got a plan on your mind!
Every gesture of good will begins with a thought.
I know I’m doing exactly what I ought!
Over time I’ve collected teddy bears
and believe me, this lady really cares!
I’m giving away my bundles of joy.
Each teddy is more than just a stuffed toy!
Every one is an expression of love
reminding me of God above!
From the board of directors to the director of staff
They loved my idea, and didn’t even laugh!
To the hospital ER my teddies will go.
My love for little children I want to show!
To provide them comfort and peace,
a teddy will bring them sweet release!
When they are sick or hurt with fear in their eyes
the love of a teddy will silence their cries!
Cuddly and clean, by golly, by gosh;
each one receives a professional wash!
To give with no thought of recompense,
to me makes perfect sense!
Each teddy bear has been loved by gentle hands before.
Now these children will take them home and love them even more!
My teddies will serve to remind one and all,
it’s good to be loving and kind to people big and small!
Now you know the story of Nan’s good will bears;
all because this lady really cares.
Author’s note: The good Lord provides in abundance!  My collection began with 12 teddy bears and from April until January 5th ,2012, has grown to more than 584 bears, with special thanks to all those who have donated bears as word has spread about my plan. Sincere thanks go out to Aurora Tudela, Greta Jordan and Jeff White and the Iredell Memorial Hospital Emergency Room staff.