In Joy and in Love
Written September 18, 2012
In joy and in love
I serve my God above
Another year has come and gone
Yes, time surely marches on
I sit here on my porch and commune with Mother Earth
In quiet celebration of my birth
So in love with life
Eternally grateful to be Allen’s wife
Happy to be Ashley and John’s mother
They cherish each other – sister and brother
Thankful for each and every friend
Loyal to the very end
I give thanks for my family whether near or far
I love them wherever they are
I’ve known my share of suffering and loss
And I know Satan’s not my boss
For I know whom I have believed
Many blessings I have received
This past year God blessed me with “Nan’s Goodwill
Because He knows just how much this “bear lady” really
I pray for many more years
And I pray for bears to dry little ones tears
I pray for the sad, the sick and the suffering
I’m thankful for my life – a humble offering
Thank you, Jesus for seeing fit that I was born
As I celebrate my Mother’s life this morn
My Mama went to Heaven many
years ago. Had it not been for her I
could not, would not celebrate this special day. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday, dear me. Happy birthday to me.
No, I’m not full of myself,
just happy for the opportunities God gave me this past year and happy for those
opportunities to serve Him in the coming year.
Birthdays are for celebrating, not for
pretending we’re not getting older …..or on the other hand, “I’m not getting
older, I’m getting better
Including the teddies I will deliver to the hospital this week, it brings the total given since July 22, 2011 to 1,225 teddy bears!!! To God be the glory!!!!